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You can make a difference. Small steps taken with others can lead to change. Here are ways that you can assure that local Democrats go to the polls to put a check on the current Iowa GOP trifecta.
Volunteer to:
· Ask your friends and family to attend the Melton event
· Bake treats for the Melton event
· Train and download the relational campaign application get out the vote onto your cell.
· Take part in the lit Drop in September
· Write postcards for candidates this summer to be mailed nearer the election.
· Help plan our fall soup supper
· Provide soup and other edibles for the soup supper
· Donate items for a garage sale this summer and/or a silent auction in the fall
· Write letters to the editor on issues important to you.
· Walk in any of the community parades
· Make financial donations to local campaigns and/or the central committee.